Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Speaking of things getting bigger, google.com market value has surpassed that of yahoo.com to 51 billion dollars whereas Yahoo is at $47 billion dollars.
Finally, just as when you think things are getting real nasty in the search engine market right when Microsoft announced that it has indexed over 5 billion web sites Google.com underscored them by announcing that they have indexed over 8 billion websites. Yet it is too early to tell who is going to be the big winners among the three giants of the internet industry.
On the one hand, I am glad I have more storage in my Yahoo and Hotmail account but there other things,on the other hand, they have improved upon such as eliminating junk and unwanted mail from my email account that has more than made up for things for the extra space. If you try Gmail by Google that offers close to 1000 MB of storage , you would probably like not only the unusally more storage but also what is displayed along its advertisement stuff that is related to what is in your email. The problem with that would be an invasion of privacy due to having the dubious similarity of spyware.
What makes the search engine ticks from what I understand is their services besides just placing a keyword and trying to get one out of eight billion sites out there but there are search engine related services such as this blogger I am using or Deja News both by Google. Either way this would have a lot of effect about other issues such as the job market and government taxing policy. It would be silly and short sighted to assume that any tax policy of either cutting or raising taxes would create or stimulate jobs for those who are in more need of them. Such policies would no doubt have the effect of doing the reverse of what it has normally intended to do so.
Then there is another issue such as p2p. The latest from what I have been keeping up on Kazaa is that there is a problem of the RIAA using the Sherman Network supposedly Fast Track technology and the issue of areas of what constitutes freedom of speech. What about other p2p sources such as xdrive.com* following in the footsteps of the big three companies--Yahoo, Google and Microsoft allows user to upload 5GB of movies, music, doucments, and pictures on to their servers that can be shared virtually throughout the world. These are more tangible things being exchanged on a massive level that no matter how the internet takes over relies on things that we do everyday in the physical world. This does not mean that there is a slow down of the virtual world crowding out the physical one but that such lags are only reminescence of some strange and more advance form of technological innovation that would probably hits the market some time soon.
*What makes using xdrive interesting is that you can use it on your browser you don't have to download it like Kazaa on your desktop.