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Marketing, ecommerce, and contemporary blog!: 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004

Sunday, February 29, 2004

The idea of landing on mars or even building a colony may sound strange and often times farfetched but it isn't. The President announced plan for the near future for an eventual 'man mission' to Mars that would take place by the year 2030. Now some would argued that such a mission would be very expensive and would be off the wall as recklessly ignoring valuable social needs. I agree with the latter that it does but what I think critics fail to miss the level of confidence in which the President says. He comes off as being high strung and elusive when he vouches for a mission and exploration to Mars. Here he sounds too often like JKF with the concept of New Frontier in which case landing the man on the moon is one of them the other things I take though one could be only unsure whethere due to his untimely death that he would actually meant it would include more jobs, better education, a stronger national defense in the wake at that time of the USSR, and advancement in civil rights.

Traveling to the moon might be a little bit more realistic and perhaps would offer us a way to get back on track since the recent Space shuttle explosion upon re entry needs some type of redemption. So why is it that such confidence and popularity can be heard among the President's decision to send a planned exploration sometimes in the future.

The more physical and concrete reasoning has to do with the fact that it would probably happened sooner than you think. If it is true as everything can possibly be in this universe it is as things are that with the increased pressure for technology to improve itself a sudden surge and advancement must take place. The internet as I see it is merely a phase or a driving force, only itself only a premature shape of what it will be as an institution in the future. I would like to call this stage especially after the WTC fiasco as the beginning or perhaps even going underway the age of Supertechnology(or a Supertechnological revolution)the whole premise of such a fact finding theory rests on two writers. One of them is Isabel Paterson's classic The God of the Machine in which case the author here uses the comparison of energy and motion to explain history such as war and the birth and destruction of greater and lesser civilization(if such a comparison can be made). The WTC fiasco is explained away from a perspective that with computers and ever increasing faster computers the way they need to made and disposed is fast destroying the environment. It also accelerates the age we live in. Such energy makes us thinks of the internet as taking over but not necessarily true. The internet is taking over only in the forms that what will something like that that destroys older institutions does and never brings them back but the internet itself is being constantly waged under attack as the issue of Kazaa has dried up free speech in the real world but alter the very instituitions of the world associated with free speech. Think of Tower Records going bankrupt and Blockbuster pulling out of Hong Kong and on the other hand the upper hand the federal government can assault freedom of speech when it comes to "decency" on television with the SuperBowl incident with Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake and radio waves with Howard Stern. It can also be argued that hypercapitalism makes such restrictions plausible but these are old arguements several years ago when hypercapitalism it critics wouldn't know the greatest job loss here in America than we have ever seen before. It is the internet that too might have to change into something else with the advent of nannotechnology with the ever increasing super powerful but smaller microchips soon in a few years be todays memory and be called nannochips. If society becomes so high tech and animated like you see in 'Minority Reports,' there is no limit what this next phase of SuperTechnological Revolution will do.

The other book or author in which this age is all about comes from Dr. Isaiah Berlin's book The Magus of the North: JG Hamann and the Origins of Modern Irrationalism. In other words how technoligical advancement takes place will be based on the premise that mankind's thirst for the knowledge of the universe will outwiegh all other efforts in producing a goods and economy for the future. I guess we can say that we are living in the age of limitations in which case the recent BSE and avian scare only shows the limits there is to our food supply or how we will logically support the human race. Yet the recent BSE is only an obstacle to libertarian thought that argues against the Club of Rome about handling our food supply. Even with the best technologies and constructs, the strain physical and political can grow like a cancer and undo everything. This is what we see in this world today but afterall there is no turning back or submissively bowing to the antics of the past. One of the harm of the recent sniper attacks and the reality not an illusion that we can capture Saddam Hussein but not Osama Bin Laden is that we are going through a post-instituional effect in which case if the snipers out there who were able to shut down society there is no boundaries as to what other would be 'snipers' and 'pervayors' can accomplish to shut America down. The whole aspect of styming and shutting down institutions means in the future their desolation such as those 9 to 5, family and even going to a public shool every day is coming to an end. The recent and mysterious shooting in Ohio will probably overcast a dark fate on America.

Shutting down of societies does not at all deter the shutting down of states. Since the breakdown of the USSR we witness a irreversible trend borrowing from a British scholar the "deterioration' or breakdown of states (Haiti is by far just another casualty) and with this we see genocides in Rwanda and what is left of the former Yugoslavia. We all see a massive war in Africa as some pundits argued due to the geographic space it is contained has the face of another world war. Al Queda and the mere fact that we can't catch Osama Bin Laden shows among other things that it is obvious that such a movement is in the business of shutting down governments. There are tremendous evidence they are shutting down places like Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. It is only a loose philosophy now as post-modern thought and with a taste of the so called 'rule of law' that manages to hold the world together, but not for long.

If the age of Supertechnology takes shape it gives more creed and boost to the President's re-election bid to give him the unintentional consequences of him having vision. With this age we can rest assure that issues like slavery and even her greater evil nuclear weapons will have that much of a romantic arguement for and against itself as the forces of the internet soaks up everything including jobs, style, and even our values. This statement of mine would legitimize or pay deaf ears to such stuff but it means that we are overlooking other things that are coming into fruition...the stuff like tobacco, perfume, even cotton will make a comeback as the increased need for individuals and groups of people to reassert much less re evaluate their identity. With nuclear weapons, there is no stopping the President as being irratational to use bunker busters in Afghanistan. Furthermore it just awakens us to the new technologies out there such as plasma technology like you see in "Star Ship Troopers," virtual reality(here I mean something more interactive), trans warp technology, things you only dream of in sci fi movies. With these advancements will be a play on what is the physical world vis a vis the virtual world.

Another thing that why the President says the thing that he does is as someone I read mentioned is the 'night watchman' states shift further outwards. The President wants to ban gay marriages but even outside of fringe politiking it will take years if not a decade for such a constitutional amendment takes place and like the judge if I am not mistaken says it is also naive and hypocritical not to overlook what harms does gay marriage does, in other words , this view reflects the so called 'coercive' nature of government vis a vis 'absolute free will' or 'negative libery.'

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

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Sunday, February 15, 2004

Good places to store your music if you were downloading from Kazaa.com wouldn't always be on your hard drive or on rewritable CDs. You can try storing your music on streamloads.com. This site is also a good place for storing videos, especially adult videos that is downloaded off the net. If you are looking for places where you can purchase videos online and throw them on kazaa or p2p you can try my adult site at freesex1000.cjb.net. Just surf down the middle of the page and you will see paragraphs introducing you to different types of sites that allows you to do such. Streamloads.com is not free, it allows you a free trial. It is great for storing botrh videos and music. It also allows you to share videos and music with other member accounts at this link without you logging in.

Another good alternative for this-- just for music only-- is from what I read in the compusa.com ad pack is the so called Apple 20.0 and 40.0 GB iPod that stores up to 5,000 and 10,000 songs respectively(product number is 306844). The cost range for this product is $399 to $499 respectively. You can also listen to it like a walkman.

Another hot product that is out there is in the field of wireless modem is what I found in the bestbuy.com ads is the Sprint wireless card, which is kind of interesting.(the product number is PC3200Hk) It is similar to
Ricochet below but it is offered also outside the remote areas of Denver and San Diego. As what the advertisement said, it is like a cellularphone attached to your computer.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

The outcome of battle can have its up and downs but its purpose and meaning can blur the shape of the war at large if there tangibly speaking exists such a war.
Just about every day or at least every other day in the news one will hear about some US soldier getting killed or severely injured by some type of attack in Iraq. The weird thing about all of this is that this has happened at a time when we thought all too well that we have liberated a country from an evil despot whom we found living in a spider hole just as though he was another person. If we can put the pieces together and ask ourselves why after the liberation of Iraq that we have more US casualties and perhaps mounting instability in a region of the world we thought that we have under control. There are several answers to this question but each of them as I will so list will not at make simple a highly complex international situation. The first reason for all this weirdness is that we are living in an age where strategic warfare is simply something no more. With this comes other factors, among them the obselescence of nuclear weapon. Even though in places like North Korea nuclear war or deployment still looms, it is trivial considering the other stuff going on in the world. One would also be surprise to learn that in the coming ages of global wars and stuff refugee migration will have more environmental harm than nuclear weapons. Or as a scientist once states that all the things we do in the world as far as environmental harm is akin to thousands of nuclear bombs being dropped a day. So we need not to be pre-occupied about nuclear war in North Korea. It is only as nuclear weapons being used as tactical targets(ie medium and low range nukes like you see in Iran India and Pakistan plays a decisive role) that would really matter. If nuclear weapons isn't the big fear that haunted us during the cold war, then what is? The demon that is supposedly taunting us as to why is Iraq is becoming an increasing threat in and of itself and why nuclear weapons are obsolete is itself alarming. What makes it so is that we have to take a look at one aspect of global behavior that is becoming the cornerstone in shaping the outcomes of conflict and events and that has to do with the concept of eluding. In liberating Afghanistan we have unveiled a world in which its history and its abiltity to manipulate through the wars and civil wars in part of its geographic distinctiveness. In the case of Afghanistan and Pakistan it is the use of caves and tunnels. Such areas are nothing more than reservoirs for states to maintain its credibility as being rogue states, to traffic narcotics, weapons, and soldiers for wars throughout the region, and to test whatever hold the US have as a major global broker these days. We can take a look at history on two recent events that has shaped American foreign policy. The first is the decline of the USSR and the second is the September 11th 2001 event. The end of the Soviet Union as some would know represents the demise of socialism and communism. However, I would strongly agree with certain critics that it meant the end of anything of Western values in any forms, in this regard of its nature being applied to every country or group of people. In theory we are living in era that capitalism and democracy are values that in essence can be short lived. Whatever that will come in its place may or may not require new philosphy but a new concept of history. The terrorist act that happened two years ago perhaps is a resonance if not a deathro of the Soviet Union decline. For it is in this even much like we shall see in future newsbreaking events on this level of ordinary people though from different lands who just used their smart to wire money attend flight school and use enough wit to hijack and take over our airlines. It is here that it is important to realize that if what defines a culture is to be open to outside influence such as multiculturalism or universal Christianity then it would hold that the state is itself will have to change with that notion. but the state proper will perhaps in itself suffer epileptic political changes. Even if the US supposedly maintained a stronger exclusion and protective approach with the Patriot Act there is nothing to conclude that if there is any cultural convulsions that the Patriot Act will be futile and nothing more than something intrusive of days long ago. It is not here that I should argue the legitimacy of the Patriot Act even though one must questioned the almost unlimited authority the government has and weigh that against protecting national interest versus individual civil liberty. The case in Iraq would be that it too was a despotic state that benefited both ways during the Cold War. Its remaining future must and (consequently had) not necessarily be in a way that it has to disrobe its authoritarian values and adopt the American creed but it has to enter the 'let loose' of the post modern era. One of the consequences of the post modern era is its post industrial base. It is here why states such as Iraq is increasingly dangerous. Let us take an imaginary approach with the World Trade Center and said that the second airplane that crashed into the other tower was caused by a tractor beam or suppose that there is some type of new technology that was out there that aided the terrorist in their quest. If there were something out there like this the reason for it being so has to do with ongoing gowing feeding of computers getting faster, creating waste that harms the environment and developing intense energy that impose some types of unleashing.(This idea is borrowed from Iasabel Paterson's classic the 'The God and the Machine'). In this case it would be the WTC which is one of my theories that I usually argue that there are mere energies at work that has to be developed and vented. It is too here that post-modernism and post-industrialism becomes self-inflicted victims to the extent that any age no matter how loosely and tightly constructed will produce massive amount of energy that would force cataclysmic cultural shifts, geo global war and extreme techological revolutions. It can radically shift paradigms as I keep on reiterating in the case of the Virginia Sniper case in the entry below. It is here why Iraq is dangerous, precisely that the forces of these energies plays a role in the so called imminent age of super technologies and super societies. One of the prerequisites for this is its post-institutional effect that is the destruction and banishment of institutions as we know it. It is strange to promote the fact that the concept of family and family values, work, religion, and the like are fast decaying and in a matter of decades becoming nothing more than dinosaurs. It is very difficult to live with this fact but it is fact worth remembering and not forgetting if we should realize that these are things we are adjusting our daily lives to live by...all we have to do is adjust our world view towards such. A post institutional effect doesn't neglect one other factor and that is the state. The arguement for the desolation of the state comes from notable scholars who argue that the idea of "violence" was monopolized by the nation-state system and that in recent years it has slipped to mafias, warlords, irregular armies and paramilitaries. This has to be one of the most accurate description of the state. Violence as it is so spoken will be monopolized in more or less in other political and social dimensions. These are states or societies that are imaginary and for some bizarre reasons that are breeded on ideas. Western values won't at all disappeared just tamed and categorized as a feature that can be a danger to itself like these crazy ballot and referendums from abolishing rent control and restricting affirmative action and this ridiculous recall election in the state of California or the restriction of punitive awards in medical malpractice in Texas. Technology itself will be so explosive in the up and coming years to manifest these desires. Now it isn't hear to argue whether or not human beings are determinist or not ; though they would look so on the surface however deep down inside philosophical and empirical lenses will prove so otherwise. Clothing fashion, what we read in the magazines or watch on TV or at the movies will perhaps be one of the immediate signs of this backlash whereas to survive in the future we will have to allow for the rushing changes to take us away. This is again nothing more than imaginary stuff. So in the case of Iraq only a state that shares something worth being ideal will survive. Other than that with new forms of weapons that supposedly giving that there exist a middle class educated core in just about every part of the world can make hand held weapons dangerous enough to blow up a tank like paper cups. With nuclear weapons, would be replace by--what?--fusion cannons or plasma technology like you see in the movie 'Starship Troopers.' Hulk like creatures that can act as super commandos or super soldiers, simple creatures that you see like people who walk their dogs or the pigeons gathering around are nothing but robots in disguise, stealth and invisible technologies, imaginary armies, gods and goddesses, and not to forget virtual states. Yet it will be a 'synthesis' of the early half of this century such that those ideal states envisioned by Lenin, Hitler, or Mao will have to come to some type of fruition but without the crazy idea of as Isaiah Berlin describes using humans or groups of people like a canvass or as an "art of free creation." This time it would be probably the reverse.

So what lurks out there? Are there whole states or threats that has been ignored by history? Is there a such of a galactic quest whereas that there might be an alternate earth other civilisations out there? If there are threats of the future can you imagine that the US have anti-armies. More like knights or samauris or even robots something that isn't 'popular' but 'noble and esoteric or perverse' in that nature....Can this be part of the anti-army of the future. Something of Macross or Robotech? Weird thought

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