Wednesday, November 17, 2004
One of the consequential factors that is shaping the politcal and even the economic situation around the world is that we are living in what we called a post-institutional society. That is a society in which the fundamental institutions and even 'morals' are fast dissappearing. Among the casualty of the so called post-institutional effect is the decline of the state itself. Some scholars would think that this is manifested in the control of 'violence' as we know it to warlords and mafias. Yet it is not so simple. Just because there is a post-institutional effect doesn't mean everything will be in such a dissaray. What facilitates a post-institutional society is the level of exchange of information in which economies are formed and decided and the way government acts in such forums. As the physical world becomes crowded out to the virtual world the post-institutional effect creeps ups and unravel such forms and institutions such as work, family, the church, and even democracy itself. As that continues to happens energies and forces continues to bubble up and vent itself in anarchic violence and rippling political changes.
News about Russia developing supposedly bigger and more powerful nuclear weapons does not mean that we are returning to a cold war nor is it credible to assume that they are needed to contain terrorism despite terrorism itself is a global threat but because terrorist thrives in a world that is more likened to their existence and growth. Developing nuclear weapons only in short summary points out that the only way terrorist will thrive is in a world in which there are more people living in poorer conditions that legitimizes the former presence.
Geopolitical situations is perhaps the best way to understand where are we heading towards terrorism. Terrorism or how they will be portrayed should there be another World Trade Center attack reflects a world that is dependent on a resource that is heavily prepared and marketed in the Middle East-oil. We hear everyday in the news how the Al-Queda linked resistance is growing in Iraq which has forced Bush to ante up the amount of troops Iraq with 12,000 more.
Even if their is another arms race,a lot which was based on global freedom and world justice whether one is a Marxist or not has very much been upsurped from any realistic political arguement needed to be taken seriously. The element of technology is the ability to map and draw down everything regardless of dimensions. What facilitates technology besides human ethics and law is the ability to elude it. There is no doubt that the use of nuclear weapons supposedly again if there is an arm race will not unlikely occur. There will given the way Bin Laden eluding the US and the unpredictable growth as I continue to argue of the Al Queada not only among the Muslim world but pretty soon splinter off to more 'secular' groups. At any rate Bin Laden, Madrid, and the World Trade center is only the first and primary stage of things yet to happen. As these groups continues to grow the need and hunger for the development of tracking devices and even nuclear weapons(even if they are handheld) increases and the use for them as well. It is sad to say that we have just not kept up with the times as far as how we should set the variables of certain arguements among many issues that society have to face day in and day out. It is because with this and the energies associated with the use of and need for high tech warfare makes certain more terrorist attacks in the US.